Proving Your Worth from Home: How Time Tracking Validates Remote Work

August 13, 2023·6 min read time

Let's face it, the work world has changed a fair bit. Gone are the days when the daily commute to the office was part of the morning routine. Now, our commute might just be from the bedroom to the kitchen table. Thanks to tech advancements and, of course, the curveball that was COVID-19, many of us have adapted to this new norm. We've swapped office chatter for the hum of the fridge and the clatter of keyboards for the clinking of our tea mugs.

While this has been welcomed by many of us, it's also brought its own set of challenges. How do we show the bosses we're not just binge-watching our favourite series or getting lost in the latest online trend? That's where time tracking comes in. It's not a tool for the bosses to play Big Brother, but rather a way for us to have a bit of proof up our sleeves, showing we're as committed as ever, even if our office attire now includes slippers.

The Proof is in the Productivity

Let's be real: there are always a few who might try to rort the system, but that's precisely why it's crucial for the rest of us to lift our game and stand out from the crowd. Time tracking is more than just counting the minutes; it's about demonstrating our commitment and differentiating ourselves from those few. While people might joke about us taking extended lunch breaks or enjoying daytime TV, hard data paints a different picture. Research, including a standout study from Stanford, highlights that we're not just maintaining our work standards — we're exceeding them, with a significant 13% boost in productivity. The peace of a home office and the elimination of daily commutes play a part in this uptick.

With the right tools, we can effortlessly log our hours and the tasks we've tackled. Think of it as a professional ledger, detailing our daily triumphs and progress, ready to demonstrate our unwavering commitment whenever needed.

Trust: More Than Just Hours Logged

In the realm of remote work, trust is built on results, not just by being seen as 'online' in Slack. While time tracking provides a transparent view of our dedication, it's the tangible results, the projects completed, and the tasks ticked off that truly build trust. By diligently logging our hours and consistently delivering quality work, we foster a culture of trust and open communication, making our discussions with colleagues and superiors more grounded in reality.

Navigating the Work-Home Tightrope

When our home doubles as our office, it's tempting to let work seep into our personal time. Time tracking acts as a gentle reminder, helping us delineate work hours from downtime. By smartly managing our hours, we ensure that we're delivering top-notch work while also preserving those precious moments for relaxation and socialising. It's about striking the right balance between work and leisure.

Making Meetings Count

We've all been in those meetings that seem to drift aimlessly. With time tracking, we've got a tool to keep our meetings sharp and on-point. By monitoring their duration and assessing the outcomes, we can ensure they're efficient and effective. The goal is to ensure every meeting has a clear objective, making every minute count.

Evolving from the Home Office

Remote work, while liberating, also demands a proactive approach to self-improvement. Time tracking becomes our personal coach in this journey. By diving into our recorded hours, we can unearth patterns, identifying both our strengths and areas that need a bit more attention. Recognising these habits is the first step, allowing us to adjust our daily rhythm for better productivity.

Harnessing the Power of Asynchronous Work

While remote work often still aligns with the traditional 9-to-5 schedule, it offers pockets of flexibility that can be harnessed for peak productivity. Whether it's starting a tad earlier to enjoy a longer lunch break or setting aside specific hours for deep work, remote work provides opportunities to tailor our day to our personal rhythms. Time tracking becomes invaluable here, helping us identify and maximise those productive moments. By consistently logging our work hours, we not only ensure accountability but also pave the way for effective collaboration. It ensures that, even if team members have slightly varied schedules, everyone remains in sync, driving projects forward together.

Time Tracking Tactics: Finding Your Groove

Alright, so you're sold on the idea of time tracking, but how do you actually go about it? Here are a few ways you might dive in:

  1. Day-by-Day: Some like to keep it simple. At the end of each day, jot down a summary of what you've tackled. It's a bit like keeping a work diary. Over time, you'll see patterns emerge, helping you plan your days better.

  2. Task-Level Detail: If you're the meticulous type, this one's for you. Log time against specific tasks. Whether it's "Drafted presentation for Project X" or "Zoom call with the marketing team", this approach gives you a granular view of where your hours are going.

  3. Pomodoro Technique: Fancy working in bursts? The Pomodoro Technique involves working solidly for 25 minutes and then taking a 5-minute break. It's a rhythm that some swear by. With time tracking, you can log each 'Pomodoro' or work burst, ensuring you're on track and taking those well-deserved breaks.

  4. Project-Based: If you're juggling multiple projects, consider tracking time by project. It gives a clear picture of how much effort each project demands, helping you allocate your time more effectively in the future.

  5. Intervals: Some folks like to set regular intervals, say every hour, to jot down what they've been up to. It's a bit like having a work alarm, reminding you to log your progress.

DoubleTime: Your Trusty Remote Work Companion

Dipping your toes into the world of time tracking? DoubleTime is the mate you've been waiting for. Tailored for the remote worker, DoubleTime is all about putting you in the driving seat. You're in control, deciding what to log, when, and if you ever want to share it. It's designed for empowerment, ensuring you have the reins, not someone looking over your shoulder.

But DoubleTime isn't just about clocking hours. It doubles up as a digital notebook, aligning your comprehensive note-taking with your time logs. This means you can detail the specifics of each task or project, creating a holistic view of your workday. It's not just about how long you worked, but the nuances of what you achieved during that time.

In the grand scheme of things, time tracking is more than just a tool; it's a strategy. And with DoubleTime by your side, you're not merely adapting to the remote work era; you're thriving in it. Fancy giving your workday that extra edge? Give DoubleTime a shot and see the difference for yourself.